Agent Party Sprint Documentation

This directory contains the sprint planning and documentation for the Agent Party project. Each sprint follows our module-focused testing strategy and incremental progress principles.

Sprint Structure

Each sprint is organized to:

  1. Focus on Module Completion: Complete one module at a time with 100% test coverage before moving to the next
  2. Build Momentum: Begin with smaller, simpler modules first
  3. Maintain Quality: Ensure all code follows SOLID principles with comprehensive type annotations
  4. Document Progress: Track coverage improvements and completed functionality

Sprint Documents

Test-Driven Development Approach

Our sprints implement a strict test-driven development approach:

  1. Write tests first for each module functionality
  2. Target 100% test coverage with strategic exclusions for impractical paths
  3. Use proper mocking for dependencies
  4. Run tests continuously during development

Definition of Done

A sprint is considered complete when:

Current Sprint: Sprint 1

The current sprint focuses on achieving 100% test coverage for core utility modules:

Refer to Sprint 1 Plan for detailed tasks and progress tracking.